EmGuard ™
Designed for performance, engineered to last
EmGuard ™
The original environmentally friendly bio-degradable plant guard
EmGuard ™ are robust cardboard plant guards, developed by FuturEcology as a solution to plastic debris entering waterways.
2019 Winner of the ‘Clever Business Award’ Chamber of Commerce, Nelson.
How the Guards work
Plant guards have been shown to greatly improve the chances of survival and promote growth in plants.
They assist in reducing on-going maintenance time and costs, protect plants from predators like hares and pukekos, help in identifying where plants are in a planted area, reduce water loss and provide a micro-climate favourable to growth.
Plants are protected from chemical spray if chemicals are used as part of a maintenance programme and they also provide some protection from damage if mechanical control such as weedeating is being undertaken. They are particularly valuable in the first year of establishment especially where root trainer or small grade plants are used.
The EmGuard ™ is manufactured in NZ using a majority of recycled pulp. They are specifically designed to cope with tough conditions. The EmGuard ™ is coated with a food safe and FDA compliant moisture barrier, has a high bursting strength, a PH of 7.00-8.00 and is fully recyclable. Trials have shown that the EmGuard ™ will withstand some inundation over a period of time and will last for more than one year in the field in normal riparian conditions.
A key value is that the EmGuard ™ does not need to be removed once plant establishment has occurred as the EmGuard ™ will naturally break down. If by chance, the EmGuard ™ washes into a waterway, it will naturally bio-degrade over time.
EmGuard ™ are 350mm high and come with a logo that allows more light.
EmGuard™ when folded form a triangle with three sides of 200mm X 350mm.
They are quick and easy to install, requiring only one 900mm by 10-12mm stake. Using one stake has a huge advantage in terms of efficiency, and allows you to use EmGuard ™ in difficult terrain. The folding method ensures the guard grips the stake, so they don’t blow off in the wind.
EmGuard ™ installation.
A short video showing planting and EmGuard™ installation in Nelson, New Zealand.
Not only are these Eco-friendly plant guards bio-degradable, they are easy to install!
Note: The EmGuard has a logo cutout, which you can leave in, particularly if you use spray in your maintenance regime or remove if you want more light or airflow.
The Concept
The issue of plastic in waterways and the sea is an extremely concerning one. In 2015, our 15 year old daughter Emma, was helping with a planting in a wetland area and while putting on plant guards, said, “why are we using so much plastic, there must be something better?”. She, along with her father explored possible options and the EmGuard ™ is the pleasing result of more than two years of research, trials and development.
“Dave, who is doing the planting and putting the Emguards on, is impressed by the time saving alone of your product, with ease of setting up the guard and having only one bamboo stick to insert and drive in”
- Greg Leafberg. Matai Nurseries.